First up, the "Green Circular Dealy". This is both a gift for someone, and a way to learn a new technique (knitting with circs). It's coming along rather well, just a few more inches of stockinette to go, then a three needle bind-off (yet another new skill to be learned), an I-cord drawstring, and done!!
The next item on the list (which I've been working on simultaneously with my other Works In Progress), is my "Purple Cablely Thing-A-Ma-Jig". I've really been enjoying working on this, because I really love cables. This was my first foray into Cable Land, and it's definitely a place I will be visiting again and again. This is also a gift for someone (yes, a very very very late holiday gift), but I think once it's done, it's going to be lovely. It's only about half way done, then it will need some light blocking, then voila!
My last little WIP, is something I kind of just did as something silly. I found a cute little pattern for knitted Easter Eggs, so I decided to give it a whirl (plus, it was a chance to sharpen my DPN skills). This little number is knitting up very quickly - just a couple more rows to go, then I need to bind off the ends, and stuff it. The only thing is, it's much bigger than I thought it would be, and really looks a little wonky. I'm hoping that it will fill out much more egg-like once I get to the stuffing part.
But, I guess if it doesn't, I could just say it was laid by a lopsided chicken!