So, I decided my new knitting thing to learn for February/March would be knitting with DPN's and learning to make socks. I'm just doing a basic pattern worked from the top down. The leg is 1x1 ribbing, the rest in stockinette. I got through all the ribbing, and got most of the way through turning the heel when disaster struck. I started to get very confused, and began short-row shaping waaaayyy too soon, then completely lost my place. After finally coming out of the "I can fix it - it doesn't need to be ripped back" denial, I gave in to the inevitable. I ripped and ripped, slowly and carefully. But, then I'm really not sure what happened. Before I knew it, I had frogged back way too far, and somehow, lopsidedly to boot. Before I even knew what happened, I was left with a pile of kinky, curly frogged yarn, DPN's strewn about, and a slightly dizzy feeling. Needless to say, I was much too traumatized to capture the carnage on film.
I know that frogging happens, and this is far from my last trip to the pond, but I think I'm a very slow knitter, and it had taken me 3 days to get to that point. Ergh!!!
I wonder if it had anything to do with the fact that just before I noticed my first major boo-boo, I had been patting myself on the back, thinking how easy knitting socks was! That karma, she's sneaky!!!