I had heard rumors of it's existence. I caught wind that it would be making an appearance at my favorite
LYS. I knew it would change my life.
Okay, maybe not that last one!
It really doesn't take much for me to find a reason to hit my
LYS, but this was some serious business - a pilgrimage of sorts, if you will.
The World's Biggest Sock!!!
(or should I say "The World's Biggest Sock in Progress")
As soon as I pulled up in front of the store, I knew I was in the right place!
And there it was, the Moby Dick of knitting - the Big Sock!!

When first approaching the Big Sock, I slowly made my way around the table it was spread out on, sizing it up (tee-hee), when I made my move! I picked up one of several sets of needles attached to it and started knitting, stitch after stitch. Forty minutes and a couple of hundred stitches later, I was kinda over it, and ready to do a little shopping to buy some yarn of my own to take home.
Yes, my 3 faithful readers, KnittyBoomBoom knit on the (soon to be famous) Big Sock! I promise not to let this success go to my head!!
Okay, seriously now, the Big Sock is actually a very cool project started in the UK in 2006 during National Knitting Week (how cool is that?? We need a National Knitting Week too!!). Since then it's traveled all over the place, and is doing it's time here in lovely Colorado.
Right now the part of the sock that's being knit is the cuff. I was told it's about 9 meters across (I don't know how many feet that is - look it up!), and still quite a ways from where the heel would start.
Since it's been in Colorado, several inches have been put on it. You can kind of see how many in this pic. The white yarn attached to the Knitted Peace card is where they started, up to the knitting needles (sort of up and off to the left). Sorry for the bad pics - I'm no Ansel freaking Adams!

Here's where I made my stitches. See them?? Aren't they the best looking stitches you've ever seen? I thought so too!
If you want to see some much better pics of the sock, go
here. If you would like to read a short little article about the sock's Colorado stop, go
here. If you would like to learn how to become an airline mechanic go
The Big Sock has it's own
blog where you can read all about it's adventures as it makes it's way around the globe - check it out!