My, my, my....where has the time gone? So long since a new post, it's almost as though I was on summer vacation!! Ahhh, remember summer vacation? But, I digress.
Yes, KnittyBoomBoom is back - I know that all three of you are thrilled to bits - hopefully on a much more regular basis, but ya' never can tell!
I've been trying to do some knitting every day, and slowly (very slowly) but surely, things are coming along. My new favorite project to work on is my Mitered Square Blanket from Mason Dixon Knitting. The entire blanket ends up needing something like 80 of these squares, so I definitely have a long way to go, but I get my "instant gratification fix" each time I finish up a square.
Here is some of what I've finished so far - they just need to be blocked to get rid of the curly edges then seamed together (once I finish all of the squares, that is):
By the way, that's not a green and black striped square, it's actually a dark purple, which looks much cooler than the photo shows.
Since this project is going to take some time, I decided not to get crazy with buying all of the yarn up front (a first for me), and am just buying a skein or two at a time, and seeing what type of color combos I end up with. It will either be a hideous FO or wickedly awesome!!!
I'm using the yarn the pattern actually calls for (another first). It is Tahki Cotton Classic, and oh so yummy to work with! I love love love this yarn!!
Work on the Slow Bee came to a bit of a stall after restarting it after the traumatic frogging incident, but progress is again picking up. I also have a few other things on the needles, but will reveal those details on another post.
Boomer sends his love, and sends out his apologies for not getting a post out sooner - just another reason to consider a Thumb Augmentation. Silly doggie, thumbs are for people!