Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Here we go....

Early last year, I decided I needed to be more "crafty". I had been doing cross stitch and needlepoint for years. Kinda got into painting, and even purchased a sewing maching sometime in 2005 (heck, it's even been used a time or two). But I really wanted to learn to knit. My Nana was a knitter, but, as a kid, I was never interested in learning how. I could kick myself for not taking her up on her offers to teach me, but what can ya' do?

I found a great little booklet on how to teach yourself knitting, bought some needles and some VERY cheap acryllic yarn, and off I went. Oh, how impressed I was with myself! Casting on? Easy peasy! Knit stitch? Puh-lease! Purl stitch? .... Um, Purl stitch??? Yeah, that's where my progress came to a screeching halt, and I put away my needles for a couple of months. Yes, I'll admit it, I'm an "Instant Gratification Girl"! And proud of it! Special shout out here to all my "IG Home Girls" out there!!

Anyhoo, I finally decided that it was time to pick up the needles and "yarn" again and give it another whirl. I gave myself a pep talk, took a deep breath, and......what was my problem? I love the purl stitch! Not really sure why I couldn't get it before, but boy o boy, I sure get it now!

And off I went, knitting AND purling to my little heart's content.

So that is how it began. And now, here I am, sharing my (many, many, many, many) mistakes and random few sucesses on my way to being a better knitter.