Boomer is a 2 1/2 year old Maltese. I've had him for a little over 18 months. When Boomer first came to me, he was almost 7 months old, and I was already his third home! He was very poorly treated in his first home, and was only in his second home for a few weeks. When I first got him, he was under 4 pounds, but full of love! He now weighs a healthy 7 pounds, and is still full of love, but definitely much happier! Because of the neglect in his first home, he has some issues with his liver, and has been on a very strict low protein diet for over a year now. His vet says he's the healthiest sick doggie she's ever seen.
Boomer thinks he's a big dog - probably because he has such a big personality. He has had quite the fan club going since I first brought him home, and is never without a new toy or outfit from one of his many admirers. 
His official name is quite long (Boomer Frankfurter Doodle-Bug Sassafras Tater-Tot Boomba Fancy-Pants Be-Bop Speed-Racer Pea-Pod Stinky Boomerang Mushy-Mush Spazzo Boomerella Paquito Stink-bug Monkey-boy Murphy-Greenberg I, Limited Edition, Esq. Int'l.), but he answers to just plain old Boomie.
So that's it. Knitting and Boomer. The two things that give me the most happiness and the most peace. KnittyBoomBoom.