So, I realized that I have left my 3 loyal readers in somewhat of a lurch. A short while ago (okay 4 months, but who's counting), I introduced a project I was working on that I dubbed "Project Penguin 2.0" (aka PP2.0). Since this top secret mission was for a gift, I couldn't reveal too much. Well, the mission was completed - 4 months ago. It was given and received, and I just never got around to divulging the completed project.
So, here it is - taa daa!!!!
Two, yes two, warm and snuggly sweaters!!! But, they are not ordinary sweaters - they are Beer Sweaters!!! "What the heck are Beer Sweaters?", you ask? Well, they are what the name implies - Sweaters for your beer - duh!
"Why sweaters for beers?", you say? Because, let's be honest, knitting a full size sweater would take this slow poke much longer than a week to complete, and because they were too darn cute!
Here are the stats:
Pattern: Beer Sweater by Melissa Martensen
Yarn: Knit Picks Telemark, sport weight, 100% Peruvian Wool in various colors
Needles: US#3 double point needles
Mods: None - why mess with perfection! Super duper easy pattern!

Yay Beer!