I've decided to get back up on the horse, so to speak. As you may (or may not) remember, I had attempted to knit my first sock a while back, only to have it end in disaster. ~sigh~
Well, I'm back at it! I'm just using a basic "top down" sock pattern, and am almost done with the cuff (or leg) of the sock, then comes the dreaded turning of the heel (insert dramatic music). But, I feel more confident this time that I can get it done!
Here's my progress so far:
Also, as an example of how easily distracted I can become by new shiny things, I found the coolest ceramic pots on summer clearance at "The Lobby" a few weeks ago. This is what I've decided to use them for:

I just love how they look with all of my needles sticking out of them, and have spent a good chunk of time just admiring their summery loveliness! Yes, I'm very easily amused, why do you ask?
That is all!